Fox News "Hannity" - Transcript Interview with Andy Biggs



CHAFFETZ: Now, Congressman, I mean, I kind of giggle when I hear Joe Biden say that he wants to transform the nation, which scares the living daylights out of me. He's only been in political office since 1972 when I was 5 years old kicking a soccer ball.

But he is suddenly going to transform the nation and there are issues like immigration and other things I think he wants to take such a radical view and position.

But we really don't know who's working for him and who's actually writing the stuff other than AOC and Bernie Sanders, as Matt was talking about.

REP. ANDY BIGGS (R-AZ): Yes, that's exactly right, Jason.

If you want to get a real picture, an indication of what a Biden presidency would be like, this -- you couldn't get a bigger picture than this. What it is is Biden's not going to be the president. He's going to have that title but somebody else is going to be manufacturing these wacky, far left policies.

They are so far to the left they are leaving the Democrats behind. This is something that's way out there. This is the "Squad" from the Congress that's out there and then you've got Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren who are in there. They're having their fondest dreams put into place.

And Joe Biden, who spent his whole career driving down the middle-of-the- road, just trying to move to the next office, is now going to be co-opted. And that's what's going to happen if he becomes president of the United States. This is a great indication of that future if Biden becomes the president.

CHAFFETZ: Yeah, if you can't get it done in your first 48 years in office, it probably isn't going to happen.

But, Matt, I've got to tell you. Part of what you hear from the Democrats at large and also from Joe Biden is this cancel culture. I mean, Americans are constantly told everything is wrong.

How do you think America is actually reacting to this?

SCHLAPP: Well, look, I have been a victim of this. I've seen it. A friend of mine, the CEO of Goya Foods, he's a victim of this. They are trying to make it a crime, a hate crime, that's punishable for simply being a Republican, being a Christian, having free-market views.

How about this one, Jason? Having views consistent with those of Abraham Lincoln or Frederick Douglass, or how about our Founders? They want to make a criminal.

It's not just our ripping down statues. It's about destroying the lives of Americans with common sense values.

This is fascism. This is fascism of the left. Everybody better wake up because they are coming for each and every person that dares stand up to this angry mob, and we're all going to have to face it. We better face it now. If we wait until later, will we might not have a country anymore.

CHAFFETZ: Yeah, I love that the left claims to be the party of tolerance but you try to say anything they disagree with and they are the least tolerant.

Congressman, I've only got about 15 seconds here. But do you think Joe Biden is actually going to debate, is he actually going to speak for himself without the puppeteers, and join Donald Trump on that debate stage?

BIGGS: I can't see him on a debate stage with President Trump. What I see is him finding a way to do it from his home where he's going to have some teleprompters there, with some people giving him some answers. That's the only way he can compete. That's it. He cannot -- he has no original thoughts of his own.

CHAFFETZ: Joe Biden needs to live up to his obligation and his commitment to debate Donald Trump and that should happen for three debates, if not four but at least three.

Gentlemen, Congressman Biggs, Matt Schlapp, thank you for joining us tonight. We do appreciate it.

